Bengaluru-based online teaching platform Teachmint said that it had raised $16.5 million in a Series A funding round led by Learn Capital and joined by CM Ventures, and existing investors Lightspeed and Better Capital.
This is Teachmint’s third round of investments within 10 months of its launch in May 2020. These funds will be used for talent acquisition, R&D on teaching technology, strategic acquisitions, and further market expansion, according to its statement.
Teachmint is a mobile-first, video-first, teaching platform that enables teachers to digitize their classrooms. The platform also enables ease of content delivery, enhanced student engagement and seamless workflow tools.
More than 700,000 teachers from over 1,500 cities and towns have registered the platform in less than 10 months since the launch of Teachmint’s product, said Mihir Gupta, Co-founder & CEO at Teachmint.
The startup said it has been built with a focus on regional customization and is available in 10 Indian languages other than English.